Towards Sustainability
Sustainability is more than just a program to us. It is a philosophy we embrace, one that encompasses everything we do from start to finish.
Since 1982, long before "going green" became fashionable, we have implemented standard operating procedures that allow employees to easily recycle, reduce, and reuse.
Recycle. Beginning with our own products, we strive whenever possible, to use only recyclable resources such as cardboard, wood, acrylic, aluminum, plastic and brass. In our offices and factory, from the copy paper and paper towels to product packaging, we chose recycled products. Computers, toners, inks (which we use less and less of) and electronic devices are recycled through the manufacturer or community recycling programs. We also participate in recycling programs offered by our suppliers.
Reduce. Every year, Americh moves closer to a paperless environment. We use digital formats instead of printed material whenever possible. Outgoing faxes have been completely automated and receiving documents in PDF and electronic formats means eliminating most paper documents all together.
Reuse. Through creative repurposing, we internally reuse many items such as pallets, water, and boxes. Large containers, such as resin drums, are returned to our suppliers for reuse.
We also help to protect any environment within our influence. Whenever possible, we "nest" our bathtubs and shower bases to reduce the cardboard, wood, and number of shipments required to deliver the product. In addition to the direct savings that we experience, Americh is proud to help reduce the pollution from emissions and use less fossil fuels.
At Americh we lead by example. Our properties are cleaned daily to help support the local environment and promote a clean atmosphere. Americh not only brings beauty into bathrooms and spas - we build a beautiful environment for the future.